Tuesday, March 13, 2012


She was only a week old when her Mom brought her to my studio. She was so tiny and pretty much slept the whole time. I can't believe she's already one. I compared her newborn pictures to these pictures and I just can't believe how much she's changed. They really grow so fast. 

This little lady was super busy the entire time she was in my studio.  She refused to sit but luckily, she's a cake lover! When she saw the cake, she quickly sat, grabbed it, and ate it really fast! If she joins a cupcake eating contest with other babies, she will definitely win! I am glad that her Mom brought an extra cupcake so I can capture more pictures. 

Isn't she adorable?  I know I've said it many times but I'll say it again...I LOVE MY JOB! Seriously, not everyone gets to photograph cute babies. But  I DO :)  And I love capturing those cute faces.They are angels and they inspire me. 

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