Sunday, May 27, 2012

Kat & Kegan

I love this couple. I can tell that they are deeply in love. I love the way they look at each other.I did their engagement pictures a couple of months ago. I was thrilled when they asked me to be their wedding photographer. It was beautiful wedding. The bride was stunning and the reception was really nice. 
Congratulations Kat and Kegan! I am happy for you guys! Best wishes! Married life rocks!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Backdrops to choose from

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I feel so honored to photograph these awesome teens. Most of them were going to their last prom. Their parents were there too. One of the Moms told me that she's sad that her baby is growing too fast. Whoah! I'm so not ready for my kids to be teens. I'm glad they're still babies :)
I would like to thank my friend Kim Thorne, for making this posible and offered her beautiful place for the shoot. She contacted the parents and asked them if they want to hire a photographer for prom pictures. 6 beautiful pairs showed up. I was very excited! I hope I could do this again next year and make something different. Maybe bring some fun props so it's not a typical Senior Prom shoot,

Monday, May 21, 2012

Price & Willow

Seriously, these kids are so adorable and they're really close  cousins. I was so happy to see them in my  studio. How did I get so lucky? Price is only 4 and he definitely loves the camera. His Mom is a model, so he had a model coach during the shoot. But this boy did his own thing. He's a natural! I wouldn't be surprise he decides to be model like his Mom.

Willow, who just turned 1, was a busy little dolly. She refused to smile... but as soon as I turned on my pandora radio, she started dancing, smiling, laughing and posing for me. I got some blurry pictures though because this girl is a hip-hop dancer and she can dance really fast. Luckily, I got enough cute pictures for her Mommy.

Enjoy these adorable pictures. And be prepared for way too many pictures! :)