Monday, May 21, 2012

Price & Willow

Seriously, these kids are so adorable and they're really close  cousins. I was so happy to see them in my  studio. How did I get so lucky? Price is only 4 and he definitely loves the camera. His Mom is a model, so he had a model coach during the shoot. But this boy did his own thing. He's a natural! I wouldn't be surprise he decides to be model like his Mom.

Willow, who just turned 1, was a busy little dolly. She refused to smile... but as soon as I turned on my pandora radio, she started dancing, smiling, laughing and posing for me. I got some blurry pictures though because this girl is a hip-hop dancer and she can dance really fast. Luckily, I got enough cute pictures for her Mommy.

Enjoy these adorable pictures. And be prepared for way too many pictures! :)

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